Our Services > Acute > Maternity Services
Maternity Services

The Midwives at Gippsland Southern Health Service welcome you to our care and are more than happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.
For all enquiries and appointment bookings please call the Maternity Services Unit on
03 5667 5556.
Midwife Antenatal Consultations
Please call the Maternity Services Unit to make all appointment bookings. Antenatal consultations take place in the Maternity Services Unit; partners are most welcome and indeed encouraged to come along with you.
Appointments should be arranged between 12-16 weeks. This will take about one hour - the midwife will obtain pre-admission details and provide you with written information, as well as discuss what to expect and answer any questions you may have.
24 and 32 weeks
At these appointments, which will take about 1/2 an hour, the midwife will check your blood pressure, assess your baby’s growth and listen to your baby’s heart beat. This is a good opportunity to talk to a midwife about your pregnancy and any concerns you may have, including any test results.
37 weeks
This appointment will also take about 1/2 an hour. The midwife will again check your blood pressure, assess your baby’s growth and listen to your baby’s heart beat, and check your baby’s position. This is a good time to discuss your labour and birth expectations, your birth plan, and any concerns you may have. It is also a good time to discuss feeding your newborn baby and what to expect in the first few days after birth.
Antenatal Education
Facilitated by our midwives, our in-person classes provide an opportunity for you and your support person to learn all about labour, birth and early parenting as you prepare for this exciting new chapter of your life.
Domiciliary Postnatal Follow up
Once you return home with your baby a midwife will contact you and may arrange a home visit if you feel this is necessary. We maintain this contact for up to two weeks, however this is flexible depending on individual needs.
Our midwives work in consultation with your Maternal and Child Health Nurse during the early weeks you are home and we are able to consult your doctor on your behalf if required.
Patient Information Sheets
A series of patient information sheets are available below. Please speak to your midwife if you require hard copies.
66 Koonwarra Road
Leongatha Victoria
Postal Address:
Private Bag 13
Leongatha Vic 3953
03 5667 5556
Visiting Hours:
10am - 1pm
3pm - 8pm
Further Information
For more information about Gippsland Southern Health Service's maternity services, please read see the following booklets:
There is a wealth of information available about pregnancy and childbirth online. Below, you will find a list of recommended online resources and publications as well as information on Family Assistance available through the Australian Government. If you require brochures on any of the information listed please speak to your midwife.
Online Resources
Title | Description | Web Address |
Alcohol Consumption Guidelines | Information about alcohol-related health issues including for women who are pregnant. | |
Antenatal & Postnatal Depression | Beyondblue provides extensive information on antenatal and postnatal depression. | |
Breastfeeding Confidence | Learn the basics of breastfeeding. A free breastfeeding e-book is available on the Australian Breastfeeding Associations home page. | |
FreeMOM TENS Labour Pain Management System | FreeMOM is a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (T.E.N.S) device which has been specifically designed to assist in the relief of pain during labour. | |
Immunisation - Whooping Cough | This vaccination is recommended for parents and family members as soon as possible after the birth of your baby. | |
Immunisations | Important immunisation information including schedules. | |
Infant Hearing Screening Program | The Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program (VIHSP) screens the hearing of newborn babies in their first weeks of life. Early detection and intervention improves outcomes for babies with hearing loss. | |
Listeria - The Facts | Advice for pregnant women, the elderly and anyone with suppressed immunity. | |
MumBubVax | Talking about immunisation for mothers and babies - answering your questions and giving you evidence-based information to make decisions about vaccination in pregnancy and for your baby after delivery. | |
Newborn Screening | Newborn screening is an extremely successful public health program that is conducted worldwide. Screening is performed to identify a small number of babies that may have rare, but serious medical conditions. If not diagnosed and treated early, these conditions can affect normal development and life expectancy. | |
Paid Parental Leave | A short term payment while you’re on leave from work to care for your new child. | |
Quit Victoria | Information on the impact of smoking when pregnant and help to Quit. | |
Raising Children | The Australian parenting website: comprehensive, practical, expert child health and parenting information and activities covering children aged 0-15 years |