Patients, Clients & Families > Donations
Exceptional Quality
GSHS relies on the generosity of patients and clients (past and present), individual donors, community groups and corporate supporters to supplement government funding in order to ensure that vital improvements are made to benefit consumer care.
GSHS would like to thank the Lyrebird Auxiliary which has raised more than $50,000 for GSHS over the last 30 years. The Lyrebird Auxiliary is a group of dedicated volunteers working enthusiastically to raise funds for the purchase of equipment for the direct benefit of patients and residents at the Leongatha and Korumburra Hospitals and affiliated aged care facilities and community support programs. If you would like to join this friendly group, click here to download more information.
Donate your refund

Did you know that you can donate your bottle refunds to support your Health Service? Choose GSHS as a donation partner at your nearest Return-It bottle recycling depot or enter our individual identifier code C2000025410 to make your donation

Bequests are a highly valued and appreciated source of funding to support our health service.
If you are considering a bequest to GSHS please contact our Finance Manager on 5667 5555 for more information