Antenatal Education

The Midwives of GSHS are excited to be offering a brand new, evidence based and interactive Childbirth Education Course. With an emphasis on informed decision making, we will discuss many topics to help prepare you and your support person for an
empowering and positive birth experience.
Some of the topics we will discuss include:
- Normal physiology of labour and birth
- Creating a birth plan
- Labour strategies/techniques and pain relief options
- Variations of normal
- Early parenting and newborn care
- Physiotherapy Advice and postpartum recovery
- Decision making tools and reliable resources
The total cost is $75 and this includes light refreshments and an excellent resource book. If you are interested in signing up, please let your midwife know at your appointment or by calling the ward.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Congratulations! You've made it!
We look forward to meeting you in labour and please don't forget to call us on 5667 5556 at any time if you have any concerns.
We hope that you take 5 minutes to complete the survey below. Our midwives will use this information to shape the education and experience for our women: